waveI, LLC

Welcome to waveI. Look around, kick the tires on our demos or sit through some of our videos. If you've got an idea that needs demonstrating, a technical problem that needs solving or a product development that needs to get out the door, then give us a shout!


waveI delivers services with a focus on our client's immediate priorities and long term goals. Our eclectic team of research engineers (Aerospace, Mechanical, Electric and Computer), software developers and 3D graphic artists have worked together on various projects for over 2 decades. They know what it takes to streamline a process, evaluate a technology for price/performance, integrate it into a system or product and deliver your solution.

We Excel at Design & Prototyping

waveI looks at all problems with a systematic approach, but with a prudent flexibility that allows us to be extremely creative in developing an optimal solution. Some vital steps during the design & prototype stage include:
  • Identify The Problem - This entails rigorous information gathering from the client, vendors, users and 3rd party suppliers. Depending on the nature of the project, significant research of competitive products, patents and existing or emerging technologies may be required. This process results in an executive mandate.
  • Brainstorm Solution Paths - We bring together all team members from waveI and our client to prioritize approaches and assess technologies. Several sessions are usually required on sophisticated or ground breaking projects. Between brainstorming sessions, waveI staff will carry out pre-emptive research on current and emerging technologies to validate or dismiss solution proposals prepared in a previous session. This process results in a project white paper.
  • Strategize The Best Approach - In addition to prioritizing the client's delivery needs, waveI assesses all development team members and 3rd party software and hardware vendors for availability, cost, technical merit and projected delivery schedules. A multi-phase project may require several proof of concept demonstrations before actual development activities. This process results in a formal, yet flexible, work plan.
  • Specify Essential Hardware & Software Components - Resulting in an initial system architecture plan, this involves complete definition of prototype functionality, final evaluations and acquisition of 3rd party hardware and software components, high-level architecture and system integration plans, testing and benchmarking specifications.
  • Rapid Prototype Development - Demonstrations, simulations, mock-ups, story-boards, walk-throughs of all identified high-risk items, especially computational and communication performance bottlenecks (high latency, high throughput).

What we've done!

Aerospace Engineering

Systems Integration

Software Architectures

Process Workflow

Scientific Simulation

Game Design

Custom Software Tools

Image Processing

Algorithm Development

Audio Analysis

3D Modeling

What we've used!

Labview, MatLab

Mathematica, Audacity

Excel (VB Script)

C, C++, C#, Fortran, Java

Flash (Action Script)

Perl, Python, Lisp

MSSQL, MySql, Oracle

MS Visual Studio

Eclipse, Xcode

Maya, 3DS Max, Blender

Maxwell, SoftImage

Photoshop, Gimp

Unity 3D

waveI, LLC          Bradford, MA 01835          Email: info@wavei.com